Safe for puppies from 7 weeks and kittens from 9 weeks of age

Easy to apply spot on

Water resistant after 4 hours

About Moxiclear

Available from leading veterinary clinics, Moxiclear is a monthly spot on for:

What are Fleas?

Fleas are the most common and therefore troublesome parasite of cats and dogs. Fleas are found anywhere there are untreated animals, and are often picked up at the park or brought into your home by visiting pets. Fleas bite your pet for feeding resulting in skin disease through irritation. This makes fleas a common and troublesome parasite of cats and dogs.

Watch flea lifecycle video

Moxiclear & Fleas

  • Moxiclear stops fleas from feeding in 3-5 minutes.
  • Moxiclear kills adult and larval fleas by contact within 20 minutes reducing further bites causing irritation.
  • When an environmental infestation occurs it is recommended that all dogs in the same environment should be protected by Moxiclear for Dogs and all cats with Moxiclear for Cats

What are intestinal worms?

Intestinal worms are left behind in the environment by infected dogs in their poo. More common to cause disease in younger or older pets. In very rare cases intestinal worms from pets could cause disease in people.

Moxiclear & Intestinal Worms

  • Moxiclear treats and controls the major round worms of dogs and cats. This prevents any concerns for our pets and the rare occurrence of the transfer of these round worms to us.

What are Ear Mites?

Ear mites result in an infection of the outer ear and are common parasites for cats and dogs.

Ear infections result in your pet shaking their head, scratching their ears or having a dark discharge from the ears.

Moxiclear & Ear Mites

  • A single treatment of Moxiclear will control ear mites.
  • Your vet may recommend cleaning of the ear canal to hasten your pet's recovery

Sarcoptic Mites in Dogs

Mange is a group of skin diseases in pets that result in hair loss and skin irritation. Sarcoptic mange is highlighted by intense irritation resulting in severe scratching. Sarcoptic mites are too small to see with the naked eye.

Moxiclear & Sarcoptic Mites

  • Moxiclear has shown to eliminate 100% of sarcoptic mites in dogs after a single dose
  • Moxiclear will control any subsequent sarcoptic mite infestation in dogs

Demodectic Mange in Dogs

Demodectic mange occurs when there is an overgrowth of the demodex mite that lives within the hair follicles of dogs. This overgrowth causes inflammation and irritation to the skin of affected dogs, most often starting around the face and mouth.

Moxiclear & Demodex Mites

  • Moxiclear may be effective in the treatment and control of demodectic mange when administered at monthly intervals for 2 to 4 treatments


About Moxiclear

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How does Moxiclear work?

Moxiclear contains two ingredients, one is imidacloprid which remains on your pet's skin surface. This is important because fleas are affected as soon as they are on your pet, including stopping them from feeding in 5 minutes. Fleas don't need to bite your pet to be killed.

The other active ingredient, moxidectin, enters your pet's bloodstream and is distributed around the body where it affects internal and external parasites in your pet.

Who makes Moxiclear?

Enhancing the health of animals, Norbrook was established in 1969 and is one of the largest, family owned, veterinary pharmaceutical companies in the world.

Using Moxiclear

When can I begin using Moxiclear on my puppy or kitten?

Moxiclear can be applied to puppies from seven (7) weeks of age and to kittens from nine (9) weeks of age.

Which Moxiclear is right for my pet?

Moxiclear is provided in a cat and dog version with a weight range suitable for all pets. Should your pet exceed the sizes available use a combination to match your pet’s weight.

How often should I apply Moxiclear?

Moxiclear should be applied to your pet every month for best results.

How soon can I swim or bath my pet after applying Moxiclear?

Moxiclear is water-resistant, once dry after application your pet can swim or you can bath your pet. It is recommended to use a soap-free shampoo.

Safety Using Moxiclear

How should I apply Moxiclear?

Moxiclear is applied topically on the skin and it is recommended for best results to use monthly. Watch the Moxiclear application videos above to see how best to apply Moxiclear to your pet.

Dog application video

Cat application video

How should you store Moxiclear?

Moxiclear should be stored below 25°C, protected from light and it is recommended to use before its expiry date.

What are the side effects of Moxiclear?

Side effects are rare with Moxiclear but like all medications that may occur in individuals. Should you have any concerns you can receive technical support by calling the support line on 0800 224 022.

Can I use Moxiclear with tape worming or tick treatments if required?

Yes, Moxiclear has not been shown to react with any other medications your pet may require.